A rather chilly and overcast day dawned but it was dry and calm, so ideal for a day out on a boat. Most of the group boarded at Saltash, including a 70 strong party from the Tavistock branch of the Devon Wildlife Trust. The tide was very low and as we carefully manoevered upstream the first birds were logged – Cormorant, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Curlew and Oystercatcher all in reasonably close view, but more distant were Wigeon, Teal and […]
Birdwatching Cruise Report – 17th November 2013
Hobby versus Swift
I was recently sent this link of a pair of hobbies hunting a swift – most spectacular! Watch the whole clip because the second part is a slow motion replay and the third section is magnified slow motion. You can clearly see that the swift has several near misses and is only caught when the larger female hobby appears and probably distracted it. Also note the food pass after the catch indicating that the pair were probably feeding chicks. Click […]
2013/14 Birdwatching Cruises
The dates and Saltash departure times for this winters cruises are 17th November 2013 11.00am 15th December 2013 10.30am 29th January 2014 10.00am 15th February 2014 12.00 mid-day For details and how to book click on the Birdwatching Cruise page in the banner above.
Still Here!
After a quiet summer we’re now finalising the winter 2013/14 birdwatching cruises. The first will be on Sunday 17th November, leaving Saltash at 11am. Phone 01752 829163 to reserve your places. There are more trips planned for December, January and February. Details to follow shortly.
Boost for Farmland Birds
5 March 2013 Environment Minister Richard Benyon today visited Hillesden Farm in Buckinghamshire, which is at the forefront of research work into how Environmental Stewardship can better deliver benefits to wildlife alongside the vital role the scheme plays in investing in England’s farm businesses. Richard Benyon finds out more about winter bird feeding at Hillesden Farm © Linzee Kottman / Natural England For the last five years, Hillesden has been the home of a detailed study where areas of the farm have […]
Birdwatching Cruise Report -24th February 2013

A rather chilly day on the river this one! Wind had been blowing from the east for a week or so but at least it wasn’t raining. As we sailed upriver towards the pickup at Saltash, the 3 Spoonbills were again feeding off Bull Point. Therefore we collected our passengers and went back to have a look…..but they’d flown off! Not a good start. However, we headed back upstream following our usual route and picking up the normal species […]
National Nestbox Week 2013
Tamar Wildlife is able to supply a range of nestboxes and now is the time to think about the coming breeding season. Valentine’s Day 2013 is the start of the 16th annual National Nest Box Week (NNBW), organised by the British Trust for Ornithology, which encourages people across the UK to put up nest boxes for birds. Last year, the wet weather in April and June led to the worst breeding season on record for many species. Caterpillars were in short supply […]
Birdwatching Cruise report – 9 Feb 2013

You know how on some days everything goes right …..well the 9th Feb trip ticked all the boxes. Firstly we had a dry day, not that frequent recently and although it wasn’t sunny we had light winds, good visibility and it wasn’t that cold either. I joined the boat at Cremyll and as we sailed upstream a Razorbill got us off to a good start – a new species for our cruise list. Then I noticed 2 Spoonbills feeding […]
GBb Gull project – January 2013 update
The Great Black backs on Looe Island, along with many other species last summer, had a poor breeding season. Although we counted 75 nests containing 197 eggs and two chicks in May, when it came to ringing we were only able to find 27 chicks of which 24 were colour ringed. This compares to 91 colour ringed in 2011 and 49 in 2010. It is not known whether failures occurred during incubation or nestling stages but we suspect that many […]
GBb Gull project – June 2012 update
Looe Island is a Cornwall Wildlife Trust reserve off Looe in south-east Cornwall. It holds what is now the largest breeding colony of Great Black-backed Gulls with 78 pairs in 2012, 66 pairs in 2011 and 79 pairs in 2010. Historically, Mullion Island, off the Lizard held the largest colony. This was certainly true in the mid 1980s when the Seabird Colony Register noted 117 pairs. However, by Seabird 2000, the last complete national survey, numbers had dropped to 49 […]